It's easy to get swept away by our emotions when our environment changes. Circumstances don't change God, but they may reveal Him to us in new ways. When We Are Messengers sing "Come What May," I am reminded that I can rely on God no matter what. David sings about this same thing in Psalm 23. Let's explore it together. In this episode, I discuss: Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture - this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Repetition Read in a variety of translations Meditate on Scripture Make a list The 30 Day Music Challenge The way the bridge of our song inspired me to soak in Psalm 23 The benefits of reading repetitively Recognize new details you may have missed before Increase your ability to retell what you've read Build confidence in what you're reading Meditating on Psalm 23 by thinking deeply and imagining the various environments described in the psalm Making a list of environments in Psalm 23 Green meadows Peaceful streams Right paths Darkest valley/dark valley of death Banquet table How a shepherd does not write this psalm, but a sheep Additional water references Isaiah 49:10 Ephesians 5:25-27 Revelation 21:6 John 7:37-39 Our own roles as priests in God's kingdom - 1 Peter 2:9 Additional Resources Lyrics - New Release Today The story behind the song "Come What May" by We Are Messengers - Article "What Does the Bible Say About Anointing Oil?" - Article "What Does it Mean That My Cup Runneth Over?" - Article This Week's Challenge Spend some time in Psalm 23 yourself this week. Read it repetitively. Try reading it in various translations to see if details that you may have missed before jump out at you. Spend some time meditating on the text, taking into consideration the environments/circumstances described. Don't be afraid to use your imagination as you picture the scenes in your mind.