There is an account in the Bible of Jesus speaking to the wind and waves and calming them down. This idea often makes its way into our prayers and songs -- not unlike Jeremy Camp's song, "When You Speak." I think it deserves a deep look from us to see what we can learn from ALL of the words Jesus speaks in this scene. Join me in the Gospel of Mark, in a boat on the Sea of Galilee. In this episode, I discuss: Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture - this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Meditating on Scripture Completing a word study Defining words Reading Scripture out loud Imagining the scene Reading in context The 30 Day Music Challenge The Father initiates the plan of salvation, the Son accomplishes the plan of redemption, and the Spirit applies what has been initiated and accomplished Seeking the face of God before we seek His hand Studying the actual Word of God to more easily identify its counterfeit - James 1:25, Joshua 1:7-9 Completing a word study on the word meditate as found in Joshua 1:8 - Looking up words related to meditate such as soliloquize, muse, and ruminate Our focus verses found in Mark 4:35-41 Imagining the scene in the context of the whole Examining the words of Jesus vs. the words of the disciples The words of Douglas O'Donnell, "Jesus is...addressing...their "excessive fear"...Fear that doesn't acknowledge who's onboard the boat." - "Matthew: All Authority in Heaven and on Earth (Preaching the Word)" by Douglas O'Donnell Additional Resources Lyrics - Story Behind the Song "When You Speak" - NewReleaseToday Article Fascinating articles on counterfeit detection and the spiritual parallels - Article Part One and Part Two This Week's Challenge Read our focus passage in Mark 4 in the context of Mark 3-5. When you focus on Mark 4:35-41, be sure to make some observations and make time to meditate on the text. Let it roll around in your mind a bit. Ponder the text. Talk to yourself about it. Chew on it over and over again. There is much more to see here. I hope I've inspired you to spend some time here for yourself. And remember, when God speaks, the wind and the waves bow to His will.