God calls us into His story through Christ. But before we place ourselves in the middle of His story, we need to remember the Bible is God's grand story of redemption through His Son, Jesus Christ. Olivia Lane's new song "Woman At The Well" inspires us to explore a story in John 4 afresh. Join me as we study this story in context and learn more about Jesus. In this episode, I discuss: Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture - this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Read in context Read and keep on reading Remember the people described in Scripture were real Repetition Start with God Compare and contrast Consult an outside resource The 30 Day Music Challenge Exploring Scripture in the "right" order Reading the accounts leading up to our feature account and after - John 3-5 Recognizing that all Scripture is beneficial for our application - 2 Timothy 3:14-17 Recognizing that FIRST Scripture is about Jesus - John 5:37-40 The timing of Christ - John 4:1-3; Proverbs 15:23 Jesus preparing His disciples - John 4:2; Matthew 28:18-20 The divine appointment between Jesus and the woman at the well - John 4:4-6 The humanity of Christ - John 4:6 The deity of Christ - John 4:16-18 The woman moving from sarcasm to intrigue to proclamation Comparing and contrasting Christ's encounter with Nicodemus in John 3 to His encounter with the woman at the well in John 4 Recognizing that regardless of who we are, the thing of most significant concern to Jesus is eternal life in Him The joy of experiencing Jesus for yourself - John 4:42 More Than a Song Playlist Additional Resources Lyrics and chords - Ultimate-Guitar.com Story Behind the Song "Woman At The Well" by Olivia Lane - BellesandGals.com Article CSB Life Essentials Interactive Study Bible - Amazon Paid Link This Week's Challenge Don't settle for a skimmed-over recap of this encounter between Jesus and the woman at the well. Start in John 3 and read through John 5 and then focus on John 4:1-42. Start with what you can learn about Jesus through uncovering His character, conduct, and concerns -- what He is like, what He says, what He does, and what He seems to value most. After you've started with Jesus, then you can compare yourself to the woman (or even Nicodemus from the previous chapter) and see how Jesus responds to you, too.