We are the workmanship of a creative God. Our new lives in Christ are supposed to mean something. We are called to walk in a manner worthy of the calling on our lives, and God planned out the good works for us to walk in. Taylor Leonhardt's song "Poetry" led me to ponder this, and more, in Paul's letter to the Ephesians. Join me in spending time in this letter, with a deep look at the profound transformation we experience in Christ and what it's all for. In this episode, I discuss: Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture - this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Read in context Consider historical context Consult an overview Follow the cross-references Mark up the text Make a list Meditate on Scripture Differentiating the art from the inspiration for the art Seeking to know more about Scripture to better appreciate the art created inspired by it The focus verse - Ephesians 2:10 Reading the entire letter to the Ephesians Consulting overviews for historical context - Ephesians Bible Book Overview Video by the Bible Project | ESV Study Bible Amazon Paid Link Identifying the similarities in the culture at Ephesus and our culture today Following the cross-reference to the book of Acts to see Paul's experiences in Ephesus - Acts 19-20 Studying our focus text - Ephesians 2:1-10 Marking up the text Making a list of observations of our lives before Christ Making a list of observations of what God did for us in Christ Making a list of observations of our new lives in Christ Seeing that we are God's workmanship, His poema, for a purpose - Ephesians 2:10 Getting inspired to go back to the whole letter to see more about how we are to "walk" now that we've been saved by grace through faith More Than a Song Playlist Additional Resources Lyrics for Taylor Leonhardt's song "Poetry" - TaylorLeonhardt.com "Are We God's Poem?" - Bill Mounce Article Introduction to Ephesians - Reformation Study Bible Amazon Paid Link "Free from Bondage God's Way: Galatians/Ephesians" by Kay Arthur - Amazon Paid Link Weekly Challenge Dig in to God's Word this week. Read all of Ephesians. Consult an overview and some background information about the time and culture in Ephesus when Paul wrote this letter. Meditate on Ephesians 2:1-10 and mark up your Bible as you make observations about our lives before Christ, the work of God, and our lives after Christ. Don't forget we are His workmanship for a purpose -- walking in the good works God prepared in advance for us to do.