Our convictions govern our behavior. You will need deep convictions to stand for your faith in the culture today. This is just what Newsboys sings about in their new single "STAND."   I hope to inspire you to read your Bible for yourself this week. Submitting to God's Word as true will develop deep convictions. This is just the foundation you need to stand on when the waves of culture come crashing upon your shore. In this week's episode, I discuss: Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture - this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Meditate on Scripture Read and keep on reading Read in context Two college-aged girls who have taken a stand for the unborn The Ethics 101 article in the Maxwell Leadership Bible - Amazon Paid Link How Uriah's convictions determine his behavior, and ultimately his fate - 2 Samuel 11 John Maxwell's definition of conviction - "A strong belief that so governs your decisions that you are willing to die for it." The progression from idea to opinion to belief to commitment to conviction Developing convictions in our lives through: Acknowledging the Bible as the truth source from which we will live Choosing to apply truth from that source to our daily life Exposing ourselves to a relevant need or crisis Determining ahead of time where we stand Uncovering Paul's call to stand in his letter to the Philippians - Philippians 1:27, Philippians 4:1 Counting the cost with Paul in Philippians 1:20-21 Discovering how Paul was willing to die for the magnification of Christ - Philippians 1:24-36 How Paul was willing to die for the gospel, and it is in light of this deep conviction that he calls on us to stand - Philippians 1:27-30 Standing firm as unified believers, not as individuals Together With the same mind (the mind of Christ) In service unto death (if necessary) Taking a stand because our future hope outshines the cost to stand  So we stand firm by leaning into each other. Building one another up. And working hard to have the same mind. Not unanimous agreement in our ideas or opinions all of the time, but the same convictions founded in truth. Additional Resources Lyrics - NewReleaseToday.com Maxwell Leadership Bible - Amazon Paid Link Weekly Challenge Ask God to reveal any holes in your convictions. Are there areas you need to fill with the truth of God's Word? Have your convictions been tested? In light of the discussion on convictions, read Paul's letter to the Philippians. Identify how Paul encourages believers to stand and practical ways to do that.