There's a phrase in the lyrics of Phil Wickham's song "Hymn Of Heaven" that comes directly from Revelation -- "death will be no more." There are many things we don't know about the new heavens and the new earth, but we know death will be eliminated. What a profound thought. What else might Scripture tell us about the new heaven and the new earth? Let's explore Revelation and Isaiah together! In this week's episode, I discuss the following: Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture - this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Consult an overview Compare and contrast Repetition Meditate on Scripture The challenge to read Revelation for yourself Why Immerse: Messiah rearranged the books of the New Testament - Article Studying part of Revelation in light of the whole by consulting an overview of the book - The Bible Project Overview Videos Deciding on a chunk of Scripture to study and reading it repetitively by capturing small windows of time in your week Reading about the new heaven and the new earth in Revelation 21-22 and Isaiah 65:17-25 Death will be "no more" and "shall not be remembered or come into mind" - Isaiah 65:1, 19; Revelation 21:4 God's poignant examples of the distress death brings - Isaiah 65:20 The new heaven and new earth are the "heritage" of those in Christ - Revelation 21:7 Comparisons between Revelation 21-22 and Isaiah 65 Joy God's people Curse eliminated No more hurt and destruction The contrast between Revelation 21-22 and Isaiah 65 Isaiah details other things that cause distress Revelation paints a vivid picture of what it will look like  Through my study of Scripture lately I've been drawn to fostering an eternal perspective. I want to meditate on the hope and the future God has promised in His Word.   More Than a Song Playlist Additional Resources Lyrics - "Hymn Of Heaven" by Phil Wickham Song Story - YouTubeVideo "How to Live Your Life with Heaven in Mind" - Lifeway Article by Ed Stetzer "5 Curious Questions About Heaven" - Lifeway Article by Randy Alcorn "Revelation 21-22: A New Heaven & A New Earth -- An Epic Finale to an Epic Story - Bible Project Blog Post "9 Facts About Heaven that Will Surprise You" - Lifeway Article by Randy Alcorn Weekly Challenge Read and re-read Isaiah 65 and Revelation 21-22. Consider watching or reading an overview of the book of Revelation so that your focused study is understood properly in light of the whole. After soaking in Scripture over the course of several days, pull out a notebook and make note of comparisons and contrasts between Isaiah 65 and Revelation 21-22. Make time to be still before the Father and ask Him