Don't forget to download the Episode Guide for THIS episode HERE.A Chinese friend complained to me about how difficult learning English can be. For example, he lamented that the English word for "trunk" could reference the back of a car, a box, a part of an elephant, or men's swim shorts. Same word. Different meanings. I thought of this when listening to Brooke Ligertwood's song, "Fear Of God." In Scripture, the word for "fear" may mean something completely different depending on the context.Let's explore what it means to fear God, the results of fearing God, and how the fear of God can be expressed in our own lives.In this episode, I discuss the following:Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Read in contextConsult an overviewComplete a word studyMake a listEpisode Guide DownloadThe story behind the song by Kevin Davis - New Release Today ArticleInspired by the lyrics to meditate on 1 PeterScripture overview of 1 Peter - VideoHow the real enemy is the devil - 1 Peter 5:8, Ephesians 6:12Word study for "sober-minded" - BibleHub.comVerses that talk about fear as bad - 2 Timothy 1:7, 1 John 4:18Where Moses uses fear in two ways in one verse - Exodus 20:20The fear of God can keep us - Proverbs 16:6To fear God is to be in awe and reverence of Him (as opposed to afraid of Him) Psalm 33:8 (see Episode 398)Malachi 2:5The fear of God is also closely related to trusting Him Psalm 40:3Psalm 115:11See Episode 397The fear of God means hating and avoiding evil Proverbs 8:13Proverbs 16:6Attributes of the Fear of God Can be taught - Psalm 34:11Can be chosen - Proverbs 1:29Is reflected in obedience - Ecclesiastes 12:13Equated with hating evil - Proverbs 8:13Leads to trusting God - Psalm 40:3Leads to friendship with God - Psalm 25:14Offers deliverance and other benefits - Psalm 33:18, Psalm 34:7, Psalm 145:19, Proverbs 10:27, Proverbs 22:4Leads to life and rest - Proverbs 19:23A summary verse of what it looks like to fear God - Deuteronomy 10:12-13Additional ResourcesLyrics for "Fear of God" by Brooke Ligertwood - NewReleaseToday.comThe story behind the song "Fear Of God" by Brooke Ligertwood - New Release Today ArticleMy favorite written resource for overviews - "How to Read the Bible Book by Book" by Fee and Stuart - Amazon Paid LinkMy favorite resource for video overviews - BibleProject.comMy favorite Bible Study Software - Logos Bible Software Affiliate LinkThis Week's ChallengeRead Peter's first letter to the believers scattered throughout the region of Asia Minor. Consider the context of suffering and persecution as you identify who the enemy is (for them and you). Meditate on what it is to fear the Lord, the results of fearing God, and how you should change your behavior to "prove" that you fear God. May the fear of God keep you