#497: "By His Wounds" by David Leonard

Released August 12, 2024 by More Than a Song - Michelle Nezat


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What happens when we take a phrase or a verse in God's Word out of context? We may misinterpret the meaning altogether, which is awful, but by doing so, we may miss out on the real, rich meaning God intended all along. David Leonard's song "By His Wounds" sent me to God's Word to see how to properly interpret the phrase "by His wounds we are healed." There's a lot more there than I realized.In this episode, I discuss the following:Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Read in contextRepetitionFollow the cross-referencesMeditate on God's WordHistorical contextMake observationsMake a listEpisode GuideFocus verse that sent us to consider all of 1 Peter - 1 Peter 2:24"Christology forms the indispensable basis of his {Peter's} paraenesis" - translated "The study of Christ forms Peter's indispensable basis of Peter's advice for believers" - The Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament - Amazon Paid Link1 Peter is full of allusions and quotes from the Old Testament, giving us plenty of cross-references to explore Compare 1 Peter 1:1-2 to Exodus 24:3-8 - the promise of obedience ratified by the sprinkling of blood1 Peter is a letter written to people who are suffering - 1 Peter 1:3-8Peter reminds the believers they are the chosen and elect people of God who are chosen for trust and obedience - consider Exodus 19:3-6The type and shadow in the Old Testament with the Hebrew people as the chosen people of God finds its complete fulfillment through Christ in us - 1 Peter 2:9-12Our focus verse in 1 Peter 2:24 references Isaiah 53, that I teach on in Episode 370Peter's advice to slaves can be applied to us - 1 Peter 2:21-25Making a list of Jesus' exampleJohn Piper's "A Look at the Book: 1 Peter 2:24-25" - YouTube VideoJesus' substitution is the basis of the illustration - 1 Peter 2:18-25The purpose of Christ's suffering that we might die to sin and live to righteousness - 1 Peter 2:24that Christ might bring us to God (thus healing our ultimate wound of separation from Him) - 1 Peter 3:18, 1 Peter 2:25We are born again. So why do we walk in death? We are healed. So why do we live wounded?Additional ResourcesLyrics - NewReleaseToday.comThe story behind the song "By His Wounds" by David Leonard - New Release Today ArticleMy favorite Bible Study Software - Logos Bible Software Affiliate LinkThis Week's ChallengeRead 1 Peter for yourself. Remember, we are born again, but we walk in death. We are healed and restored to our relationship with God but live wounded. Allow Christ’s example to transform the way you live. Study it closely. Meditate on His example more than your suffering. He is a loving ShBrad Pauquette has been my trusted guide throughout my novel writing process. Grab a copy of his new book, The Novel Matrix: The Complete Novel Writing Guide HERE.