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The enemy of our souls has many names in Scripture. One verse often attributed to him describes him as a thief. Tauran Wells, in his new song "Take It All Back," declares he's taking back what the enemy stole. That thief's schemes to destroy us stand in direct opposition to the abundant life Jesus offers.Let's journey back to the enemy's first scheme to see what he stole in the beginning and take THAT back.
Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include:Read in contextFollow the cross-referencesMake observationsEpisode Guide500 Episodes ?Our enemy, the devil, has schemes and strategies that he uses again and again - Ephesians 6:11Going back to the beginning to see his "original plays" - Genesis 3Why we know that the serpent in Genesis 3 is the devil - Revelation 12:9The attributes of the devil reveal the character of the devil and are evident in the conduct of the devilCrafty - Genesis 3:1Father of lies - John 8:44Thief - John 10:10How satan gaslights Eve - Gen 3:1-3The enemy's first three strategiesDoubt the wisdom of God's WordDoubt the truth of God's WordDistort God's characterHow spiritual death is death - Episode 494How satan used these strategies to break the relationship between Adam and Eve and God and how he uses the same strategies to break relationships today (like between parent and child)Shame as a result of the strategies played out in our livesThe difference between guilt and shameGuilt is the state of having committed an offense.Shame is a state of dishonorShame leads to fear, which leads to hiding and blameOur strategy against the enemy's strategy is to confess - standing in the light of God's graceAdditional ResourcesLyrics - New Release Today LinkThe story behind the song "Take It All Back" by Tauren Wells - YouTube VideoMy favorite Bible Study Software - Logos Bible Software Affiliate LinkThe Week's Challenge
Read Genesis 3 in context. As you read the details of the fall of man, look for the enemy's strategy. Be quick to confess your guilt, allow God to forgive your sins, and purify you from all unrighteousness. Resist the temptation to slip into shame that leads to fear, hiding, and blame. Once you recognize the enemy’s go-to schemes, they will be easier to identify in your own life.CLICK HERE to learn more about joining the release team for my debut novel, A Seat at the Table