God did not send the gifts of the Spirit so that Christians could argue about them. These gifts are ministry tools to advance the Gospel and edify believers. If we are spending more time debating them than actually pursuing them, we are breaking the heart of God. Yet, as we pursue the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we must acknowledge that there definitely right ways and wrong ways to use the gifts. We cannot rest until we are releasing spiritual gifts in the way God prescribes to us. In this 4th and final episode on the gift of tongues, Jeff highlights the best of use of tongues and what the results are when Christians operate in this manner. Challenging the status-quo use of tongues among Charismatics, Jeff teaches through some often-overlooked guidelines for how to use this gift when the Church is gathered together. We often assume that any scriptural regulating of tongues risks quenching the Spirit. What is we are actually quenching the Spirit by failing to honor the very instructions about tongues which He placed in God’s Word? We can possess the right gift but be using it the wrong way. When it comes to the gift of tongues, we need both the passion and the precision for God to bless it in its fullest. Reference: 1 Corinthians 14:14-20 Topics: tongues, prophecy, local church, private worship, spiritual unity, praying in the Spirit, building up ourselves, building up others, spiritual maturity