What does an unknown radio host from the late 1970’s have in common with two ancient tribes of the people of Israel? It might be faint, but there is a connecting line between them. Here is a hint: God does not desire any of His children to live out their lives in safe, cozy and comfortable isolation. The place of promise is offered to those who refuse to settle and join in the risk-taking commitment to inherit the very best God has for us as a community of believers. In this episode of Mavericks & Misfits, Jeff unpacks an obscure conversation between Moses and the leaders of two withdrawing tribes in Israel. We see in today’s podcast that our willingness to serve and sacrifice alongside of other believers is a great momentum builder for God’s work. There are easy places which call our names. There are opportunities that would serve to enrich us personally, but would not serve the greater Kingdom cause. We have to put to death our appetites for ease and stick shoulder to shoulder with all other believers who are counting the cost and staying in the mission to ensure it is accomplished for God’s glory. Additional resources are available at TransformingTruth.org