Episode 183: Is It Of God Or Not?The Great Commission and the advance of the Kingdom through the Church are the two activities being facilitated by God which will continue until Jesus comes. Within those two activities (which are really just two aspects of the same movement) there are scores of historical movements that God initiates for a season and then allows them to fade into history. How do we know today if something that looks like a move of God actually is a move of God? What are we to do if we suspect that something is not an actual move of God, but is being facilitated by something less than His presence and power? Are we to protest these things? Do we fight them – if so, which ones do we fight and are there some we should leave alone? A wise thinker in the New Testament once gave some counsel that the Church needs to consider when it comes to discerning whether a move is of God or is not of God. In this episode, we unpack and apply what he spoke in Acts 5