Ep 141 - The Art of Story Telling / Zena Dell Lowe

Released February 2, 2024 by Kingdom Over Coffee Podcast


Creativity is a redemptive act, and Christians should be pioneers and excellent artists and storytellers to share truth and hope with our world. But why aren't we? Zena Dell Lowe joins the podcast to share her experience, thoughts, and to inspire a new generation of Kingdom artists.  Check her out here: https://www.thestorytellersmission.com/ FREE book! - https://BookHip.com/KLCSAZV WE WERE REBORN FOR THIS: https://www.amazon.com/We-Were-Reborn-This-Living-ebook/dp/B0C9KX4VRN/ Follow on FB: www.facebook.com/kingdomovercoffee Â