46: The Ripple Effect

Released January 2, 2023 by Sue's Healthy Minutes with Sue Becker | The Bread Beckers


Welcome to Season 2 of Sue's Healthy Minutes and the beginning of 2023! The start of a new year often brings about new year's goals and resolutions. Today, Sue Becker shares ideas and inspiration on how to tangibly set and accomplish the goals that you may have for this new year. She refers to the ripple effect that achieving these goals may impress upon every part of your life and the lives around you. For more information, visit our website, breadbeckers.com. Make sure to follow us on Facebook @thebreadbeckers and Instagram @breadbeckers. *DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this podcast or on our website should be construed as medical advice. Consult your health care provider for your individual nutritional and medical needs. The information presented is based on our research and is strictly that of the author and not necessarily those of any professional group or other individuals. Â