125: Food Freedom

Released July 8, 2024 by Sue's Healthy Minutes with Sue Becker | The Bread Beckers


  Isaiah 61:1 says, "The spirit of the Lord is upon me because the Lord has anointed and qualified me to preach the gospel and to proclaim liberty to the captives (both physical and spiritual)." In hopes of "proclaiming liberty to the captives," Sue Becker shares her thoughts on real food freedom. Many people have consistently expressed their belief that they need to be gluten-free, embracing this lifestyle wholeheartedly. Initially, they found some relief, which solidified their conclusion that this was the solution; however, as they continued this lifestyle, they began to develop sensitivities to other foods and soon found themselves needing to be not only gluten-free but also dairy-free, egg-free, and nut-free. Sue warrants that these dietary restrictions do not equate to food freedom; instead, they lead to food bondage and physical captivity. LISTEN NOW and SUBSCRIBE to this podcast here or from any podcasting platform such as, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Spotify, Alexa, Siri, or anywhere podcasts are played. It's the Bread Story, with guest, Hanna Wright - https://breadbeckers.libsyn.com/114-its-the-bread-story-with-guest-hannah-wright What the Bible Says About Healthy Living, by Dr. Rex Russell - https://bit.ly/healthylivingbookrexrussell Effects of a Gluten-Free Diet on the Gut Microbiota - https://www.news-medical.net/health/Effects-of-a-Gluten-Free-Diet-on-the-Gut-Microbiota.aspx For more information on the benefits of REAL bread - made from freshly-milled grain, visit our website, breadbeckers.com. Also, watch our video, Only Real Bread - Staff of Life, https://youtu.be/43s0MWGrlT8. Visit our website at https://www.breadbeckers.com/ Follow us on Facebook @thebreadbeckers and Instagram @breadbeckers. *DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this podcast or on our website should be construed as medical advice. Consult your health care provider for your individual nutritional and medical needs. The information presented is based on our research and is strictly that of the author and not necessarily those of any professional group or other individuals. #glutenfree #gluten #glutenfreediet #foodsensitivities #eggfree #dairyfree #nutfree #dietaryrestrictions #freedom #celebratefreedom #celiac #celiacdisease #avoidgluten #avoidinggluten #foodie #foodfreedomÂ